Why Risk Factory?
Doing business = Responsible Risk Taking
Expert advice on Risk Management and Internal Control helps to balance entrepreneurial recognition of opportunities with the attention for risk factors and alignment of the Internal Organisation to changed circumstances.
Changes in your environment, a shift in strategy, new objectives; these and other factors cause that a lot of organizations operate in a dynamic situation. Relating new opportunities and possibilities, which could accelerate the achievement of objectives, are in most cases well recognized. Attention for risk factors and uncertainties, which go hand in hand with a new direction tend to get less attention. Also a lack of adaptation of the Internal Organisation, a fundamental element under dynamic circumstances, is often the case.
Extensive experience in the area of Risk Management and Internal Control ensures that we can provide thorough advice to companies. Risk Factory continuously strives towards a pragmatic approach. We will help you to identify relevant risk factors endangering the achievement of your objectives. Together with management improvement actions are subsequently defined and implemented. During this process managers are coached in applying Risk Management with the aim to make it a structural part of their regular management process.
Specific attention is given to the organizational culture, since this is a crucial aspect for embedding good Risk Management and Internal Control.
The result is Risk Management and Internal Control being a natural part of the management process. In this way, the establishment of a big separate Risk Management department can be avoided.